Internship Programs

1. University Students Internship Program

KADDB offers Jordanian university students the in-house internship programs that will supplement the university syllabus to develop their practical, technical and behavioral skills as a result of their involvement in the real work environment.

All Jordanian university students – during their year of graduation whose degrees fall into the scientific fields related to the scope of work of the Bureau.

Determined by the University

Admission Requirements:
- A letter from the University applying to an internship in the Bureau stating their major and the necessary training period
- Students must hold have a minimum average grade of “Good” or equivalent
- Students degrees should fall into the scientific fields related to the scope of work of the Bureau
- Certificate of good student conduct from university
- Pass KADDB’s training exam and interview

2. Jordanian Engineers Association Training Program

In cooperation with the Jordanian Engineers Association, KADDB offers fresh graduates on-the-job practical training opportunities to those whose degrees fall into the engineering fields related to the Bureau.

All Jordanian fresh graduates who have enrolled in the Jordanian Engineers Association and whose degrees fall into the engineering fields related to the scope of work of the Bureau.

Six months

Admission Requirements:
- A letter from the Jordanian Engineers Association applying on-the-job practical training in the Bureau stating the graduate’s major
- Graduates must hold have a minimum average grade of “Good” or equivalent
- Degrees should fall into the engineering fields related to the scope of work of the Bureau
- Pass KADDB’s training exam and interview

3. KADDB Annual Training Program:

KADDB seeks to develop Jordanian human capital and support future careers by providing training opportunities that will further increase labor market productivity, hence the overall performance of the Bureau to keep up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.

All Jordanian public university graduates whose degrees fall into the scientific fields related to the scope of work of the Bureau.

One year (divided into two six-month terms)

- Graduates must hold have a minimum average grade of “Very Good” or equivalent
- Graduate shouldn’t have received any previously paid training at the Bureau or any other organization
- Priority is given to graduates who have not had any previous job related to their degree
- Participant has graduated for no more than two years ago
- Pass KADDB’s training exam and interview